Update independent school registration

Make changes or amendments to independent school registration.

Changes to school details

Independent schools should contact us to change school details. Catholic and government schools should contact their relevant organisation.

You must report any of the following changes to school details within 30 days via email vrqa.schools@education.vic.gov.au. Changes not listed here are amendments to registration.

Amendments to school registration

Independent schools must apply to the VRQA to amend their registration details.

We can amend a school's registration to:

  • include an additional campus (including virtual or online campus)
  • include an additional year level
  • relocate a school or a campus
  • include an additional senior secondary or foundation secondary qualification.

If you want to amalgamate 2 or more registered schools, you must complete this form and attach it to a new school registration, or add one school as an additional campus to another.

Amalgamating schools’ details form
Word 865.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

Email us if you want your school to also:

  • be a registered training organisation (RTO) that delivers vocational education courses
  • deliver courses to full fee-paying international students, see Overseas students.

How do we assess your application for amendment?

We only approve the amendment if your school complies with the minimum standards and requirements for school registration.

We may send you written feedback or request that you meet with us to discuss your amendment application.

You will have one more opportunity to submit extra documentation if required.

You must inform us of any changes to your application within 14 days. This includes changes to your supporting documentation.

How will I know the outcome of my application for amendment?

We will contact you when we have decided the outcome of your application. If we grant the amendment, we will:

  • issue an updated certificate of registration
  • amend your school details on the State Register.

If we refuse the amendment, we will provide you with reasons for our decision.


If we reject your amendment application, you can appeal our decision by applying to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).
