Schools and school boarding premises - trends and statistics

All Victorian schools and school boarding premises must be registered with us. Schools must register as either co-educational or single sex, and as one or more of the following types of school:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • specific purpose (for schools that provide an alternative educational program or educational focus)
  • specialist (for schools that cater mainly for students with disabilities or with social, emotional or behavioural difficulties).

Note: the Department of Education's census date for registered schools is in February. The VRQA's census date is in June.

20222023 registered schools and school boarding premises

In the 2022–23 financial year we registered:

  • 10 new primary schools (9 government, 1 Catholic, 0 independent)
  • 2 new secondary schools
  • 2 new specialist schools
  • 1 new specific purpose school.

In Victoria at 30 June 2023, there were:

  • 2,310 registered schools
  • 38 registered school boarding premises.

Registered schools by sector

  • Download' Registered schools by sector'

Registered school boarding premises by sector

  • Download' Registered school boarding premises by sector'

Registered schools by sector over time

  • Download' Registered schools by sector over time'

For previous years' school and school boarding premises statistics, see:
