Register a training organisation

How to register or re-register a training organisation with us.

Register a training organisation

You can register your training organisation for up to 5 years.

Preparing to register a training organisation is a detailed process that takes some time.

How to register your training organisation

Application assessment

We review your application to determine if your organisation meets all relevant standards and guidelines.

We assess:

  • your application for accuracy and completeness
  • the outcome of the initial registration audit.

We then decide the outcome of your registration and inform you of the outcome of your application.

Outcome of application

Successful applications

If your application is successful, we will provide you with:

  • a training organisation identification number (TOId)
  • a certificate of registration with the registration period
  • a copy of your scope of registration.

We will add your organisation to the State Register and

These will list your organisation’s:

  • name
  • scope of registration
  • contact details.

Unsuccessful applications

If your application is unsuccessful, we will:

  • provide you with a report with the reasons for the decision
  • refund the annual registration fee.

Re-register a training organisation

We will invoice you for a re-registration fee before your registration ends.

If you wish to re-register, you must:

  • pay the invoice in full
  • send us a completed re-registration application form (Form D)
  • attend a re-registration workshop.
Application for re-registration as a registered training organisation - Form D
Word 1.6 MB
(opens in a new window)
1. Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
Excel 91.7 KB
(opens in a new window)
2. Combined RTO and Non-School Senior Secondary Education Provider
Excel 89.81 KB
(opens in a new window)
Schedule 2 - General information
Word 90.39 KB
(opens in a new window)

Re-registration audits

We conduct an audit when you apply to re-register.

The audit may include assessments of your:

  • financial viability, including compliance with Guideline 1: Governance, financial viability and management systems in the VRQA Guidelines for VET Providers
  • premises to assess compliance with the remaining guidelines and the RTO standards
  • previous performance.

If your organisation passes the audit, we will recommend your application for re-registration for approval.

We will contact you to inform you of the outcome of your application.


You can appeal our decision by applying to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Expiry of registration

If you no longer wish to be registered you must Cancel registration.

If your registration ends, your organisation can no longer:

  • promote or offer nationally recognised training
  • issue qualifications
  • issue statements of attainment.

When your registration ends:
