Registered training organisations - trends and statistics

All registered training organisations (RTOs) operating in Victoria are registered with the VRQA or with the Commonwealth regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

RTOs may choose to register with ASQA because it allows them to deliver training nationally, not just within Victoria or Western Australia. ASQA registration also allows RTOs to deliver training to international students.

2022–2023 registered RTOs

In 2022–23 the VRQA-registered 3 new RTOs, one:

  • Education/training business or centres
  • independent school
  • industry association.

In Victoria at 30 June 2023, there were:

  • 136 VRQA-registered RTOs.

Registered RTOs by type at 30 June 2023

  • Download' Registered RTOs by type at 30 June 2023'

For previous years' RTO statistics, see: 
