We regulate to a number of standards, codes and guidelines. We have also entered into a number of memoranda of understanding with other agencies.
Statement of expectations
The Victorian Government's expectations of us as a regulator are outlined in statements from our Ministers.
The current Statement of Expectations (SOE) sets expectations in the areas of:
- home schooling
- schools
- apprenticeships and traineeships.
- Education and Training Reform Act 2006 - establishes the VRQA and outlines our responsibilities
- Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 - outlines our responsibilities
- Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 - we are an approving authority for certain types of providers intending to deliver courses to overseas students in Victoria
- Child Wellbeing And Safety Act 2005 - Outlines our role as the relevant authority to assess our regulated entities' compliance against the child safe standards.
The Minister for Education can make ministerial orders under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.
The Minister for Education can also issue directions to education institutions in Victoria. This includes entities established under the Act (such as the VRQA). Ministerial Directions can cover things that aren't mentioned in the Act.
31 January 2022
Implementing the child safe standards – managing the risk of child abuse in schools and school boarding premises -Ministerial Order 1359(opens in a new window)PDF 367.02 KB29 November 2021
Registered schools and registered school boarding premises – emergency contact information - Direction(opens in a new window)PDF 180.19 KB14 September 2021
Amending Ministerial Order 615 in relation to fees fixing - Ministerial Order No. 1337(opens in a new window)PDF 215.53 KB29 April 2021
Anaphylaxis Management in Victorian schools and school boarding premises - Ministerial Order 706, incorporating amendments made by Ministerial Order 1325(opens in a new window)PDF 149.1 KB17 August 2020
Amending Ministerial Order 615 in relation to fee fixing - Ministerial Order 1291(opens in a new window)PDF 214.05 KB14 April 2020
Compliance with prescribed minimum standards – COVID-19 emergency - Direction(opens in a new window)PDF 566.51 KB21 December 2016
Amending Ministerial Order 615 in relation to fee fixing - Ministerial Order 957(opens in a new window)PDF 802.88 KB18 December 2015
Amending Ministerial Order 615 in relation to fee fixing - Ministerial Order 867(opens in a new window)PDF 141.45 KB19 November 2015
Standards for Registered Training Organisations - Direction(opens in a new window)PDF 2.13 MB2 October 2014
Amending Ministerial Order 615 related to fees fixing - Ministerial Order 790(opens in a new window)PDF 227.24 KB18 August 2014
Standing applications to amend an RTO's scope of registration -Direction(opens in a new window)PDF 484.49 KBAmending Ministerial Order 615 related to fees fixing - Ministerial Order 769(opens in a new window)PDF 215.9 KB21 December 2012
This Order fixes fees administered by the VRQA - Ministerial Order 615(opens in a new window)PDF 812.79 KB3 September 2012
Sharing of information and documents - Direction(opens in a new window)PDF 1.02 MB12 February 2025
MOU between Australian Skills Quality Authority, the Training Accreditation Council and VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 2.27 MBAn agreement between the regulators of vocational education and training.
20 June 2024
MOU between the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 11.73 MBA framework for complementary responsibilities in respect of VCAA accredited senior secondary and foundation secondary courses.
23 December 2023
Heads of Agreement: Streamlining the information sharing and complaints handling process for Victorian apprentices and trainees(opens in a new window)PDF 294.66 KBThe agreement strengthens and improves protection systems for apprentices and trainees. Timely sharing of information means regulatory agencies and authorities work together to reduce the risk of harm to Victorian apprentices and trainees. It also makes it easier for Victorian apprentices and trainees to make and resolve complaints.
28 June 2023
MOU between Catholic Education Commission of Victoria and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 583.09 KBTo strengthen review body arrangements and assure the compliance of Catholic schools and school boarding premises with the minimum standards.
21 April 2023
MOU between Victorian Energy Safety Commission and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 234.75 KBTo foster a collaborative approach towards ensuring the quality of vocational education and training provided by RTOs to apprentices in the Victorian electricity sector.
28 March 2023
MOU between Victorian Building Authority and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 268.08 KBInformation sharing to support the administration of the registration and licensing scheme for building, plumbing and other trade practitioners.
20 August 2021
MOU between Department of Education and Training and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 394.38 KBSets out the shared and separate responsibilities of the department and the VRQA to ensure Government Schools and School Boarding Premises comply with the minimum standards.
28 October 2019
MOU with the Victorian WorkCover Authority relating to information sharing protocols and cooperation and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 769.65 KBDetails agreed arrangements and procedures between the authority and the VRQA.
8 October 2019
MOU between the Victorian Institute of Teaching and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 354.93 KBTo strengthen the roles and responsibilities of the VIT and the VRQA in relation to community safety in Victoria.
24 December 2015
MOU with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority relating to the provision of data and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 2.31 MBCovers licensing of Acara data and the provision of VRQA data.
22 April 2009
MOU between Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the VRQA(opens in a new window)PDF 462.17 KBData transfer between VRQA State Register and the department's Entity Register.