VRQA Privacy Statement

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. This VRQA online privacy statement governs the collection, use, storage, access and disposal of data including all personal information obtained on VRQA web sites. Please take some time to read through this statement and understand our position on privacy.

This privacy statement will be updated from time to time so please visit this page regularly.

This privacy statement does not apply to linked websites that are not VRQA sites. When you link to another site we recommend you read the privacy statement of that site.

VRQA Information Privacy Policy

Our Information Privacy Policy ensures that the VRQA can collect and use personal information necessary for its services and functions, while recognising the right of individuals to have their information handled in ways they would reasonably expect and in ways that protect their personal information.

VRQA Privacy Policy
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Collection of information

Two types of online data is collected by the VRQA:

  1. visitor logs and statistics
  2. information provided by users through online forms and feedback.

Visitor logs and statistics

The VRQA site gathers statistics on users' online experience. Information collected includes:

  • visitor server addresses and domains
  • the times and dates the site was visited
  • the pages visitors accessed and files downloaded
  • visitors' browsers and operating systems.

The main purpose for collecting this information is to provide statistical information used for website and system administration. The information does not identify individual users but does identify the computer that is used to access our sites.

Logged information is not disclosed outside of VRQA staff or those under contract to conduct maintenance to web server components. We make no attempt to identify individuals from these records unless it is necessary to the investigation of a breach of law.

User information

Some VRQA web pages require visitors to provide personal information when they engage in online activities such as subscribing to conferences, participating in VRQA email discussion groups, registering online for education activities, completing online forms and feedback. Personal information collected may include a visitor's first and last name, postal address, email address, employer, job title and department, telephone and fax numbers.

Any personal information collected is used for the purpose of providing online services and monitoring these. All VRQA staff have a legal duty to protect the privacy of your personal information and ensure it is used only for the purpose to which you have agreed. The VRQA does not make available users' personal information to other organisations or individuals. Personal information is handled in accordance with Victorian privacy legislation and is stored and disposed of in accordance with the standards of the Public Records Act 1973.

The VRQA does not guarantee secure transmission of data transmitted via its websites. If you have any concerns about providing the personal information asked for please call us on (03) 9637 2806 and we can make arrangements to suit you. Do not provide any personal information online such as a password or information that you wish to keep confidential and secure.

If you would like to access your personal information or to amend or correct it, please contact the Privacy Officer.

Use of authenticated VRQA sites

VRQA secure sites, which require a username and password for access verification gather information on a user's online experiences, through the use of a visitors username. Please keep your access codes secure and do not share them.

Use of cookies and web scripts

Cookies are small text files which are generated by our servers and stored onto your computer. They allow us to recognise when you return to certain sites and allow us to register user preferences.

More information on cookies can be found at Cookie Central.

Pages on this site may be coded with scripts from Google Analytics. This is transparent to the user, as the software makes use of an invisible image at the bottom of the web page.  This software stores a cookie in your browser, which contains a unique identifier, and sends information to Google Analytics. This enables Google Analytics to track the number of unique visitors to this site. In no way does this unique identifier identify a user personally.

For more information, see:

Online privacy statement comments

The VRQA welcomes your comments regarding this privacy statement. If you believe that any VRQA unit, site, or employee has not adhered to this statement please contact us by mail, fax, or email.

The Privacy Officer
GPO Box 2317
Melbourne Vic 3001
Telephone: (03) 9637 2806
Fax: (03) 9032 1579
Email: vrqa@education.vic.gov.au

For further information regarding privacy, see the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 or go to the website for the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
