Develop a home education learning plan

How to complete your learning plan

Learning plan templates and samples

You can use these templates to complete your learning plan. The samples contain examples with the level of detail you need to include in your own learning plan.

Purchased curriculum

If you've purchased a curriculum, summarise the subject matter in each learning area or submit the details issued by the provider. Before you purchase a program, please check its suitability and ensure you compare it against our requirements.

The VRQA do not endorse any commercial programs or curriculum.

Learning area exemptions

Every child has their own learning needs. It may not be reasonable to expect your child to receive instruction in all 8 learning areas.

You can apply for an exemption from one or more learning areas, so your child's education meets their needs.

When we assess an exemption application, we consider what you tell us about your child. We base our decision on your judgement of your child’s needs.

When to apply for exemptions

There are various reasons for seeking exemptions from learning areas. These are some of the reasons parents have given for exemptions.

Temporary circumstances

Your child is having difficulty engaging with their education due to short-term circumstances. You want to reduce the number of learning areas in their learning plan. Temporary circumstances may include psychological stress or a recoverable illness. For example, you need an exemption while you re-engage your child with learning.

Personal interests

You may want to stop instruction in one learning area to focus on another that your child is more interested in. For example, your child has an interest in ancient history, as part of Humanities and Social Sciences. You could apply for an exemption from Health and Physical Education.

Disability or individual learning needs

Your child's individual needs may impact their learning. For example, an ongoing health condition limits their learning time.

Older children with career or further education goals

Your child may benefit from exploring special interests related to their education or career goals.

For example, you apply for an exemption from Mathematics and Sciences so your child can focus on their intended career in the Arts.


When not to apply for exemptions

You don’t always need to apply for an exemption, your learning plan may already meet the requirements.


The learning area is addressed in some part.

Your child's learning plan includes health but not physical education.

You do not need to apply for an exemption in Health and Physical Education because your child will be receiving instruction in the learning area.

Someone delivers instruction to your child other than you in a learning area.

If you engage a tutor or arrange for your child to attend school for some subjects, you do not need to apply for an exemption from the relevant learning area.

How to apply for exemptions

You can apply for an exemption when you first register your child by completing the relevant section in the application form.

You can also apply if you are already registered by sending an email to our Home Education team.

When applying for an exemption you must:

  • List the learning areas you are applying for an exemption from (maximum of 7)
  • outline why it is unreasonable for your child to receive instruction in the identified learning areas.

Do not send us medical or specialist certificates.

You cannot apply for an exemption from all learning areas.

If your child cannot engage in any learning, contact your Department of Education regional office.

If you need help applying for exemptions, you can discuss your child's educational needs with our Home Schooling team.
