School boarding premises are:
- services where students receive overnight accommodation
- day boarding and non-overnight accommodation services providing students with accommodation outside normal school hours. For example, to participate in sports training or religious instruction.
This includes:
- School boarding premises that are accommodation services provided for a fee or reward.
- School boarding services that are for the primary purpose of allowing or preparing a student to attend a registered school.
- Accommodation services that could also include meals, laundry or cleaning.
- Student homestay arrangements that accommodate 4 or more students at the same premises.
Do all programs that provide student accommodation need to register as school boarding premises?
Programs that run for 10 or more consecutive days must register as school boarding premises and comply with the minimum standards. These include programs where students stay at the accommodation during the week and return home for the weekend.
Outside School Hours Care programs do not need to register as school boarding premises.
School camp facilities that operate for less than 10 days are not required to register as school boarding premises.
Indicator survey
Our School boarding regulations responsibility indicator can help you find out if your school or organisation needs to register.

Standards and guidelines for school boarding premises
The minimum standards and guidelines for school boarding premises.

Register a school boarding premises
Learn about the registration and reviews process for school boarding premises.