Register a school boarding premises

Register a school boarding premises and understand reviews.

All school boarding premises are registered by the VRQA and listed on the State Register.

The VRQA register independent and non-school organisations as school boarding premises.

The Department of Education manages the process for government school boarding premises. The Victorian Catholic Education Authority manages the process for Catholic school boarding premises. We have agreements with both organisations.

How to prepare your application

Timeline for application process

  • Closing date for applications

    30 June 2024

    Applications are welcome before this date.

  • VRQA assesses application


  • Applicant feedback meetings (if required)


  • Final complete submission due*

    4–6 weeks after feedback meeting

    *Some requirements such as student enrolment numbers, and some building documentation (for example the occupancy permit) will be accepted after this date.

  • Start date

    Term 1, 2025

Update registration

Amendments to registration

Open an additional school boarding premises or relocate the school boarding premises

Amend a school boarding premises registration - application form
Word 851.03 KB
(opens in a new window)

These checklists can help you make sure you provide all the required evidence for the amendment to registration.

Amend a school boarding premises registration – additional school boarding premises: Evidence checklist
Word 1.6 MB
(opens in a new window)
Amend a school boarding premises registration – relocation of school boarding premises: Evidence checklist
Word 1.58 MB
(opens in a new window)

Submit applications no later than 30 June in the year before you intend to commence operation of your relocated school boarding premises or additional school boarding premises.

Amalgamate an existing school boarding premises with another existing school boarding premises

Amalgamating school boarding premises’ details
Word 807.3 KB
(opens in a new window)

Change religious or other affiliation

Request to change religious or other affiliation school boarding premises
Word 1.55 MB
(opens in a new window)

Understand reviews of school boarding premises

We conduct a review of school boarding premises every 5 years, using the same process as we do for independent school reviews.

We review school boarding premises at the same time as schools' cyclical review where possible.
