Catholic and government schools

Information about the regulation of Catholic and government schools in Victoria.

All Victorian schools must meet the same minimum standards and requirements for registration, but review bodies regulate Victorian Catholic and government schools on behalf of the VRQA.

The Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA) manages Catholic schools.

The Department of Education manages government schools.

Catholic and government schools should contact their review body with any questions about the minimum standards and requirements for registration. These bodies are responsible for ensuring that their schools meet minimum standards. They also review their schools and report the results to us.

The School review bodies guide outlines the obligations of review bodies.

School review bodies guide
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For more information about minimum standards and requirements, visit Standards and guidelines for schools.

In some cases, the VRQA directly engages with Catholic and government schools.

Enrolling international students

The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) registration allows schools to offer courses to students from overseas.

Catholic schools wanting to offer CRICOS courses need to apply to the VRQA. Government schools should contact the Department of Education.

For more information about CRICOS, visit Overseas students.

Secondary student exchange programs

We register all Student Exchange Organisations (SEOs) in Victoria. This includes those associated with Catholic and government schools.

For more information about registering as an SEO, visit Student exchange.
