Exchange students

About exchange students, student welfare and enrolling exchange students.

Inbound exchange students

Inbound exchange students must:

  • come from overseas to study in Victoria at a registered secondary school
  • not be an Australian citizen
  • hold an Acceptance Advice for Secondary Exchange Students (AASES) form and a subclass 500 student visa.

An inbound exchange student must attend a school that either:

  • is a registered student exchange organisation (SEO)
  • partners with a registered non-school student exchange organisation.

What is the AASES form?

The AASES form is proof that a student is an official exchange student.

The form is for:

  • processing student visas
  • enrolling exchange students in Victorian schools.

It also provides evidence that:

  • the student's parents have authorised their child's participation in the exchange program and enrolment at the school
  • the SEO has accepted responsibility for the welfare of the exchange student while they are in Australia.

We issue AASES forms to SEOs.

All official AASES forms we issue have the VRQA logo and a unique AASES number.

Acceptance advice for secondary exchange students (AASES) - request form for school student exchange organisations
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Acceptance advice for secondary exchange students (AASES): Request form for non-school student exchange organisations
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Outbound exchange students

Outbound exchange students must:

  • live in Victoria
  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • study at an overseas secondary school during their exchange.

Outbound exchange students need a visa relevant to the country in which they intend to study.

Outbound exchange students who are:

  • Australian citizens with more than one passport must only travel as an Australian citizen.
  • Australian permanent residents must only travel using the passport of the country on their Australian permanent residence visa.

SEOs must register the details of all outbound exchange students with us before their departure.

Outbound exchange student register
Excel 47.42 KB
(opens in a new window)

Student welfare

The Guidelines for student exchange programs outline the responsibilities of different providers and further requirements.

Guidelines for student exchange programs
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(opens in a new window)

Student exchange organisations

All student exchange organisations are responsible for:

  • arranging suitable accommodation for the exchange student
  • providing or arranging suitable support for the exchange student
  • general welfare of the exchange student throughout the program, including outside school hours and during school holidays
  • recruiting, selecting and screening local host families
  • monitoring and supporting students and host families during the exchange program
  • ensuring host families have adequate local assistance and support, including appropriate:
    • reception
    • orientation
    • accommodation
    • transport
    • emergency arrangements
    • support and counselling networks.


Schools are responsible for the welfare of exchange students while they attend school, school activities and excursions, as per their obligations to all students.

These responsibilities apply to:

  • school student exchange organisations
  • partner schools
  • overseas schools that outbound exchange students attend.

Partner schools must keep a mobile telephone contact number for the student's local coordinator to use in an emergency.

Partner schools are not responsible for:

  • support or pastoral care for inbound exchange students above what they provide to Australian students
  • crisis care or emergency management networks for inbound exchange students.

Local coordinators

All SEOs must have local coordinators in Victoria. Local coordinators support inbound and outbound exchange students and liaise with schools.

Schools and partner schools should have the contact number of the student's local coordinator. This number is for use in an emergency.

Host families can contact their local coordinator if they have concerns about the exchange student they are hosting.

You can contact us if the local coordinator does not resolve your concern.

If you have any concerns about an exchange student's welfare, you can call us on +61 3 9637 2806 or email


Exchange students only pay:

  • student exchange organisation’s fees
  • airfares
  • travel insurance
  • local school levies or charges relating to special subjects
  • school materials that the student will keep
  • school camp or excursion fees.

Exchange students do not pay for school fees or accommodation.

Enrolling exchange students

Inbound exchange students

Outbound exchange students

The process for enrolling outbound students in overseas schools will depend on the country in which they intend to study.
