Stage 4 – Review of submission

Have your submission reviewed before sending it to us.

Your submission must be reviewed before you send it to us.

Approved accreditation adviser review and report

At least one VRQA-approved accreditation adviser must review your submission. This cannot be an adviser who assisted in creating or writing the course.

The adviser will provide a report on the course within 10 working days. Their report will detail any amendments required to meet accreditation standards.

When necessary amendments are made and verified, the accreditation advisers will then sign their report.

If you disagree with the advice from the accreditation adviser and can’t resolve it with them, let us know. We will follow up.

Accreditation panel review

The signed report then goes to an accreditation panel to review your submission.

Accreditation panel membership

The panel must include:

  • the accreditation adviser who reviewed the course
  • one representative of the industry, education or community sector (the representative can be a steering committee member).

Accreditation panel meetings

You will need to:

  • arrange a time for the panel to meet to review the submission
  • take minutes of the meeting
  • prepare to answer questions about the course.

You should send the submission to panel members at least 5 working days before the meeting.

You should also send them the meeting agenda.

At the meeting, the accreditation panel will:

  • review the course accreditation submission against the AQTF Standards for Accredited Courses
  • ensure the proposed course title and level complies with the Australian Qualifications Framework issuance policy
  • recommend to the VRQA if the course should be accredited
  • recommend the period of accreditation (1–5 years).

The panel may recommend deferring accreditation. They will specify the required changes and a meeting date.

The panel chairperson must sign the meeting minutes. Include the signed minutes with your course submission.

You can use this document for your accreditation panel meeting agenda and minutes.

Accreditation panel agenda and minutes
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