Stage 3 – Prepare accreditation submission

Complete a course accreditation template.

High-risk courses

If a course has the potential to cause physical or mental harm, it can be high risk.

For example, a course requiring the use of equipment that has the potential to cause injury or impact public health and safety.

This guide provides a list of high-risk areas. It will help you decide if your course is in this category.

Guide to high risk courses
Word 1.54 MB
(opens in a new window)

If your course is potentially high-risk, complete and submit a risk assessment form with your course accreditation form.

Risk assessment form
Word 89.25 KB
(opens in a new window)

Complete the course accreditation template

Use our course accreditation template to complete your submission.

The template specifies what information you must provide and how to present it.

Course accreditation template
Word 1.66 MB
(opens in a new window)

You must also provide the supporting documentation listed in the template document.

The completed template will become your course document and specification.
