Stage 1 – Research and course proposal declaration

The research you need to do before you propose a new course.

For a new course, you need to establish if there is a need for the course and consult with relevant stakeholders.

For reaccreditation, this will have already been done but you should confirm there is still a need for the course.

Establish a need for the course

The need for new courses may include:

  • an established industry, education, legislative, enterprise, or community need
  • innovation in industry, such as renewable energy or technological advances
  • government initiatives
  • vocational outcomes needed for future employment opportunities
  • educational outcomes for pathways into further education.

Check for duplication

When you have established a need for a new course, you must check for duplication. Courses cannot get accreditation if they have the same outcomes as existing courses.

You need to check that the course will not duplicate the title or outcomes of:

  • an existing training package qualification
  • an accredited Crown copyright course.

You can use existing units of competency in your course. You can’t create new units of competency with the same title or outcomes as an existing one.

To check the title and outcomes of:

Consult with relevant stakeholders

You must consult with relevant stakeholders to:

  • validate your course
  • advise on its development
  • participate in the steering committee.

Relevant stakeholders may include:

Refer to the AQTF 2021 Standards for Accredited Courses. These standards outline the design requirements.

Course proposal declaration

This declaration confirms that:

  • research is complete
  • you have identified the vocational, educational or community need for the course
  • the course structure and outcomes meet that need
  • the vocational, educational or community purpose of the course is not covered by any existing training package or course
  • the proposed course does not duplicate endorsed qualifications
  • you have consulted with major industry stakeholders
  • industry stakeholders agree to advise on course development
  • industry representatives will join the steering committee.

You can consult an accreditation adviser when completing your course proposal declaration.

Before completing and submitting this declaration, you must discuss your proposal with us. Contact us on or call (03) 9637 2806.

We will tell you if your proposal is inconsistent with the AQTF 2021 Standards for Accredited Courses. If it is, the proposal will not progress and no fees will be charged.

Course proposal declaration
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Submit your course proposal declaration and pay the fee

Email your completed course proposal declaration to

A non-refundable fee applies.

We will email you an invoice to acknowledge that we have received your complete proposal.

View our fees.

When you have paid the fee in full, we will review you declaration against the AQTF 2021 Standards for Accredited Courses.

We will then send you a letter of confirmation. You then have 12 months to submit your course accreditation.
