Protecting the quality of the traineeship system

We stopped registration of 281 non-compliant trainee contracts.

Friday 9 August 2024 at 5:49 am
Engineer And Apprentice Planning CNC Machinery Project

In July, the VRQA investigated and stopped registration of 281 non-compliant trainee contracts.

By acting early, we prevented the misuse of Victorian Skills Guarantee funding for registered training organisations (RTOs). This protects the integrity and quality of Victoria’s apprenticeship and traineeship system.

Our investigation found employers of 281 apprentices and trainees did not provide suitable work, training, or supervision. When this happens an apprentice or trainee cannot meet their qualification requirements.

VRQA authorised officers contact and monitor apprentices, trainees and their workplaces. We have the authority to cancel training contracts. We can place restrictions on employers’ hiring apprentices and trainees.

Please get in touch if you're an apprentice or trainee concerned about your:

  • work tasks
  • employer
  • supervision arrangement
  • workplace facilities or equipment.

You can contact the VRQA:

Phone: 1300 722 603
