New VRQA authorised officers

Apprentices and trainee field services come in-house from 1 July 2023.

Monday 3 July 2023 at 1:35 pm
A warehouse with a woman and two men, the woman is holding up a paper

The VRQA have a new team of trained, in-house authorised officers ready to begin delivering field services for apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.

Commencing on 1 July 2023, all authorised officers will be employed by the VRQA. The previously contracted agency, Victorian Apprenticeship Field Services, will no longer deliver regulatory field services on our behalf.

In November 2022 the VRQA received a new Ministerial Statement of Expectations (SoE). The SoE outlined that, to effectively address the risks of harm to apprentices and trainees, we should review, enhance and in-house field services.

Our team of authorised officers will ensure the best possible outcomes from field services and operate under the new VRQA compliance and enforcement framework for regulating apprenticeships and traineeships.

Authorised officers are deployed in response to concerns we have been notified of and through a planned work schedule of visits to workplaces where there is the highest risk of harm. They have powers under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, allowing them to:

  • enter a workplace
  • make enquiries
  • inspect and copy documents.

Any apprentice, trainee or their employer with concerns can contact us on:

For more information, see:

Statement of Expectations, November 2022
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