Preparing for review

Preparing for review — animation transcript

So, you’ve been selected for review.

This means you’ll have to show us that you and your child have an educational program in place that’s:

  • efficient;
  • delivered regularly; and
  • taken as a whole, substantially addresses the eight learning areas. 

You can demonstrate your program through:

  • samples of your child’s work that show learning across a range of learning areas
  • schedules or planners supplemented with your reflections, photo evidence and work samples; and
  • if you use an app or any digital recording, extracts with reflections, annotations and examples of learning.

We’re not looking for a detailed account of your child’s learning over an extended period. We’re looking for a snapshot that shows how you and your child are covering the learning areas and that instruction is regular and efficient.

So, how can you prepare for your review?

First, keep records. The more you do this, the better prepared you are.

Second, have evidence of your child’s learning. Planning documents are useful but they can’t, by themselves, demonstrate that there’s an educational program in place that, taken as a whole, covers the eight learning areas. That’s why examples of your child’s learning are important.

Third, select examples that tell us about your child’s learning. Worksheets and photos of finished projects give limited insight into learning. Choose examples that are detailed, comprehensive and demonstrate your child’s full learning experience.

There are plenty of examples of review resources, created by Victorian home schooling parents, on the VRQA website

You could also check out your local home ed support groups.

If you’re still unsure about how to prepare for your review, contact us to discuss your options. 
The more you prepare, the easier it will be.
