Independent schools registration briefing: The role of the VCAA and the process for authorising curriculum.

Speakers: Jennifer Lavin, VCE Program Manager, VCAA and Rebecca Woodall, VCE, VM & VPC Program Manager, VCAA

Jennifer: Good morning, everybody. Bec and I are here to speak to you from the VCAA. I am a program manager within the VCE curriculum unit and Bec is a program manager within the Applied Learning Unit. And we’re going to be talking to you today about how to apply for permission to deliver the VCE and or the VPC.

So, throughout our presentation, we plan to address the following acronyms that are listed on the screen. Please note that when we refer to the VCE that this will be inclusive of the VCE Vocational Major, unless we explicitly state that this is not the case.

During our presentation we will cover the following areas within the permissions process. We’re going to talk about the need for permission to deliver the VCE and or the VPC, the minimum standards required for permission to deliver these courses. Evidence requirements and forms that you need to complete. How to access and complete the forms, key dates and key resources.

All providers must apply for permission to deliver the VCE and or the VPC. Providers must demonstrate their capacity to comply with the minimum standards for registration. The VCAA makes assessments based on student learning outcomes, student records and results, and teaching and learning.

All education and training providers in Victoria are required to be registered by the VRQA. All senior and foundation secondary education providers must be permitted by the VCAA to deliver the VCE and or the VPC. Providers are required to demonstrate the capacity to comply with the associated minimum standards for registration.

Providers must submit evidence that demonstrates their capacity to deliver the curriculum and assessment of the VCE, and or the VPC studies, you need to be able to also demonstrate your capacity to manage the administrative requirements that are associated with the delivery of the VCE and/or the VPC.

On our website, you will find our application forms that must be used. Providers who are going to be seeking permission to deliver the VCE or the VPC must contact the school registration unit at the VRQA before commencing the application.

Providers will submit your permission to deliver the VCE and or the VPC application directly to the VCAA and you’ll do that via the email on your screen now. The documents the VCE Vocational Major, and the VPC does vary. All providers, no matter the course you are planning to deliver, must submit the Administrative Requirements form. This is one form that covers all 3 courses, so if you are applying for all 3 of the courses, you only need to submit one administrative application and your responses will demonstrate an understanding of the different requirements for each of these courses.

For your VCE application, you will submit Unit 1 & 2 curriculum delivery plans for each study you plan to deliver in 2025, and the same for your, Unit 3 & 4 studies that you’re planning to deliver. You must use again the VCAA documents for each study. Providers seeking permission to deliver the VCE Vocational major or VPC studies must also submit eligible learning programs and VET program advice and curriculum and assessment plans for each study that you’re seeking permission to deliver.

The VCAA website has the updated information regarding the 2024 permissions to deliver that process. All application forms that we have referred to in this presentation are located on the VCE evidence requirements and the VPC evidence requirements web pages, which can be located through the schools page that you can access by pressing the button on the apply to deliver VCE or VPC page. However, it is just as often easier just to Google VCAA permission to deliver, and that will direct you straight to that page and you can follow the navigation through there.

Rebecca: So, just to continue on from what Jen’s been mentioning about applying for the VCE, VM and VPC. The VCAA is seeking evidence that supports a provider’s capacity to manage the administrative requirements for the VCE and/or the VPC, and that their assessment practices are in line with the relevant study and curriculum designs and assessment principles, and that students have the opportunity to demonstrate relevant key knowledge and key skills for each outcome.

So, for all providers which has been mentioned before the administrative requirements template is the same regardless of what course you’re applying for, and everybody must submit an administrative requirements document. (In) all the sections throughout the form providers will be required to provide specific responses for the course that they’re applying for. And we are looking for the nuances between a VCE, VCE VM and VPC setting. So make sure that your responses are contextualised with your setting.

Jennifer: Once you have submitted your application to the VCAA, we will begin assessing it. So, the things that we assess are that the format and the conditions of the tasks used for school-based assessment meet the requirements of the relevant VCE study designs, VPC curriculum designs, the assessment principles, and the VCAA’s administrative requirements.

We assess that the course has been delivered to the standards established by the VCAA. We assess that students are able to satisfactorily complete the courses that you are applying for. We assess that processes are in place to oversee the conduct of assessments, and we again require you to use the templates provided by the VCAA.

What you’re going to need to submit when you apply for permission to deliver depends on what stage of the 3-year process you are up to. If you are applying for the first time, you will typically apply for a few studies at the Unit 1 &2 level, as well as submitting the administrative documentation in the second year of the process.

You will typically go on to apply for the Unit 3 & 4 studies of the studies that you applied for in the previous year. Also, the administrative documents will need to be resubmitted with any recommendations added. As well as this, a selection of the Unit 1 & 2 studies you will be applying for needs to be submitted.

If you are currently in the second year of this process, you should email the VCAA permissions inbox with a list of all the studies you intend to deliver. The VCAA will tell you which studies you need to complete. These studies will act as a sample for the Unit 1 & 2 studies that you wish to deliver.

This process, however, does not apply to the vocational manager and VPC as you’ll be required to complete the process for all of the studies in these certificates in the third year of the process. You will need to apply for all of the Unit 3 & 4 studies that you plan to deliver, and you will again need to submit the administrative requirements as well.

So, we have 2 key dates for your submissions for this year, if you are planning to deliver the VCE, the VPC next year. So, if you’re in the first year of this process, your application is due to the VCAA no later than the 30th June 2024.

If you are in the second and third year of the permissions process, or you are an existing VCE vocational major and VPC provider who is continuing with your application to deliver those courses, you must submit directly to the VCAA no later than the 31st of May.

On this page or this slide, you will find a link to a whole lot of references that you can find on our website that are going to support you and your teachers to complete the documentation that we require.

If you have any queries in regards to the information that we have just shown you, you will see the VCAA permissions, email. If your queries are pertaining to VCE, please direct them to me, and if they are in regard to the VCE vocational major or the VPC, you can direct them to Rebecca, and we manage this email address. So, sending them directly to there is the best place to get us.

Thank you very much for your time.
