Keeping young workers safe: Would you work for you?

Employers must take extra steps to prevent harm to young workers

Monday 15 January 2024 at 6:30 am
Worker in hi-vis vest and cable support works on roof structure. Text sits over the image that says "Do your young workers have the training they need?" The WorkSafe and Victorian Government logo also sit over the image.

It’s an employer’s responsibility to protect their apprentices, trainees and young workers from harm. These workers have the highest risk of being injured in the first six months of a new job.

Lack of experience means young workers need more support in the workplace than other workers. Employers must ensure that their young workers receive the induction, supervision, training and information they need to keep them safe.

Maintaining a safe working environment for employees is a legal requirement. Under Victoria's Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws, employers must provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and free of risks to health, so far as is reasonably practicable.

VRQA-approved employers of apprentices and trainees in Victoria have additional obligations under their training contracts to ensure that they:

  • receive the correct training and are enrolled with a registered training organisation (RTO)
  • are provided with appropriate and experienced supervision
  • have access to the equipment they need and are trained to use that equipment safely.

The ‘Would you work for you?’ campaign by WorkSafe provides advice and resources to help employers adhere to their obligations.

Young workers are more likely to follow safety procedures, raise issues and promote a culture that keeps everyone safe when employers lead by example.

For more information about protecting the safety of young workers, visit:

For more information about the ‘Would you work for you?’ campaign, visit:

For more information about how VRQA protects apprentices and trainees from harm, see:

Regulating apprenticeships and traineeships - VRQA compliance and enforcement framework
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