Introducing the new VRQA website

The VRQA has begun the transition of our website to this platform.

Thursday, 1 February 2024 at 4:05 am
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The VRQA has begun the transition of our website to this platform.

We have moved to the Victorian Government’s Single Digital Presence (SDP) platform to better meet digital communication standards. This platform has features and functionality that will help navigating and understanding our regulatory information easier.

We won’t be changing everything at once. The new website is being built progressively in sections, starting with our home education and corporate information.

The sections of our website that have information for schools, apprenticeships and vocational education will move gradually to this platform in the first half of 2024.

The Child Safe Standards for educations providers website is already on the SDP platform and will remain there.

As a user of our website, you won’t need to do anything differently. The website address won’t change. Redirects and clear guidance will ensure you can still access the information you need during the transition to the new website.

If you do experience any problems locating our regulatory information, or have feedback on the new website, you can email us at:
