Delays to your training contract?

Call your apprenticeship network provider.

Tuesday 17 January 2023 at 4:57 am
Young woman working on her laptop

When a training contract commences or is varied, the VRQA is the last stop in the process.

Stage 1: Sign up

The process begins with apprenticeship network providers. They broker training contracts between an apprentice or trainee and employer, in association with a registered training organisation.

Once the paperwork is finalised, apprenticeship network providers upload the information to the Australian Government’s Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS). This information is transferred overnight to the data management system held by each State Training Authority — in Victoria’s case, the Epsilon system.

Stage 2: Registration

The VRQA processes nearly all training contracts within 10 days. But they don't get to the VRQA until apprenticeship network providers upload them to ADMS.

Analysis of training contracts at a major Victorian TAFE institute in 2022 showed an average of 62 days between:

  1. the commencement date on training contracts
  2. when apprenticeship network providers upload them to the Commonwealth's system, at which point the details come to the VRQA.

So if registration of your training contract is delayed, you can call your apprenticeship network provider. The apprenticeship network providers in Victoria are listed below:
