Course reaccreditation simplified

We have made it easier to reaccredit courses.

Thursday 29 February 2024 at 12:51 am
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There is a new simplified process to reaccredited courses. The VRQA Board has streamlined the process for course reaccreditation, replacing the need to submit preliminary research or course proposals.

If your VRQA-accredited course is set to expire, you complete our new declaration form to apply for it to be reaccredited.

With anticipated growth in the need for VET courses, this decision will assist our course reaccreditation process in being fast and efficient. It will also reduce the regulatory burden on course owners where a 5-year course accreditation is due to expire.

This new process is the first in a set of reforms the VRQA will undertake in response to the Victorian Government’s Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy. The VRQA will play an important role in supporting the state-based accreditation of short courses and qualifications to meet Victoria's immediate or evolving skill needs.

Download the new reaccreditation declaration form and read more about course reaccreditation, amendments, short-term renewal and expiry.

Find more information about the Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023 to 2033.
