Banned employers can’t sneak back in

The VRQA will not allow employers of apprentices and trainees to bypass their obligations.

Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 11:34 pm
A man makes a hand gesture indicating, 'stop, caution"

The VRQA has the power to ban employers who put apprentices and trainees at harm or risk of harm. When we do, the ban applies to not just the employer’s business, but the individual, company owner or director.

Recently, we caught a plumbing employer trying to sneak back into the apprenticeship system through a related business. This employer has a history of mistreating apprentices. Their record included wage underpayment, Fair Work Ombudsman prosecution, and court penalties. We acted to prevent this employer from hiring apprentices. We have also reported them to the Victorian Building Authority.

When we ban an employer, there is no easy way to bypass the ban. Employers cannot get around their obligations by dissolving their businesses and registering a new business name. We will find out and stop employers who try this tactic.

You can learn more about the VRQA's powers in our Apprenticeships and traineeships compliance and enforcement framework.
