Training contract processing times decrease again

The time taken to process TAFE training contracts continues to improve.

Thursday 27 July 2023 at 3:47 am
A hand turns over a series of cubes that make out the year 2023, with the 3 cube turned over to reveal a graph

In the second quarter of 2023, training contract processing times decreased. Processing times for TAFEs and dual-sector institutions were 24 days. For all other RTOs processing times were 18 days.

These figures reflect the number of days between the commencement date of a training contract and when the Australian Government contracted Australian Apprenticeships Support Network (AASN) providers upload it to the Apprenticeship Data Management System (ADMS).

The average time the VRQA takes to process training contracts has remained steady at 2 days.

The VRQA is the last stop in the process when training contracts commence or are varied. If there is a delay in the registration of your training contract, contact your AASN.

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For detailed information on the processing times for your institution, see TAFE training contract processing times.

For more information about the training contract process, see Delays to your training contract?
