Our 2024 Client and stakeholder research is underway

Let us know how we can improve our regulatory services.

Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 5:44 am
The word "survey" spelled out on wooden cubes, with the letter "e" slightly turned to show a smiley face on top of the cube.

The VRQA commissions research each year to help us better understand our clients and stakeholders and continuously improve the delivery of our regulatory functions.

This is your opportunity to have a say and let us know how we can effectively engage with you on the regulatory issues impacting your sector and improve our services. Past feedback has helped us improve our processes and communications.

Wallis Market and Social Research (Wallis) conducts the research on behalf of the VRQA.

Our 2024 research surveys will be sent out over the next few months to:

  • government and industry stakeholders
  • independent, Catholic and government schools
  • school boarding premises and other education providers
  • home educators
  • apprentices, trainees and their employers.

If Wallis contacts you, we want you to know 3 things:

  • the surveys are short – most take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete
  • you and your feedback remain anonymous – Wallis and the VRQA comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
  • participation is voluntary, but your support is highly valued and appreciated.

To read last year's research report and findings, see:
